Dairy Free

Dairy Free

Do humans need milk?
If there is a perfect and nutritionally correct food for babies, it is mother’s milk. Its is best for human babies and formulated for humans.
Milk is species specific. Cow’s milk is designed for it’s calves.
Sadly, we are the only species who continue to drink milk even after weaning. And that too of other species.

Why should we eliminate dairy?

  • Modern methods of milk production come from either malnourished or over fed cows.
  • Cows are fed with drugs and hormones to give higher yield.
  • Today’s milk is a processed product that destroys whatever nutritional content available in raw milk.
  • Our calcium requirements are also overrated. Consuming dairy products in order to increase calcium levels involves incidental health risks too. Calcium can be acquired through alternate sources also. Green vegetables and yellow vegetables and fruits provide plenty of calcium.

How do we replace milk?
Milk can be made from nuts as well. Peanut, almonds, cashews, rice, soya, coconut, seeds ….all can be used to extract milk.

The bottom line is whether or not a person chooses to use Dairy is his personal preference.

I personally experienced that my allergy problems reduced to a great extent after I eliminated Dairy from my plate. I have always been a vegetarian. Eliminating milk has made me a Vegan too. In this site, I substitute Dairy with plant / nut-based milk wherever it calls for.

All views expressed here are my personal views. For any medical issues please consult your physician before eliminating any food item from your plate .

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February 10th is celebrated as World Pulses Day. I am an avid fan of whole pulses / lentils. When I took a review of my posts so far, I realised I have as of today posted 22 recipes using whole pulses & legumes. I decided to compile all those recipes and make an eBook that you can download from my site.


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Rama Ganapathy