24 Mar COVID 19 | Stay safe, Stay healthy
Dear Friends
We are passing through a very strange phase in our lives. A miniscule virus called COVID 19 has sent our lives spinning. It has made us realise the need to stay safe and healthy. There have been many disasters that we have faced so far when help used to pour from every corner of the country. Every organization irrespective of caste and creed used to rush armed with necessary items to help those affected. But strange as it is, this situation forces us to do just the opposite. This is the first time we have been told to distance ourselves from people and not rush to others. What a paradox!
A lot has been said what to follow and what not to do. Pl avoid many viral news and videos which only spread rumours and false information. Keep following the legitimate website of WHO on COVID 19 that keeps updating . I only wish to stress on these.
Stay off from:
- People
- Animal food including Dairy
- White refined sugar
- All processed foods
Eat healthy for physical health. For mental health, use this phase to connect with Mother Earth and ask her pardon for abusing her mercilessly. We were fools to think we ruled the earth. Nature is reminding us to respect Mother Earth, all plants and animals. Use this phase to send healing prayers to the Planet and all its living beings. Spread Love and healing.
A rasam to make you stay safe and stay healthy
Wish to share one therapeutic Rasam that I had posted earlier. It is made of Horse gram, that has medicinal values. Firstly, it cures cough, clears the throat and any breathing problems and cold. It has all the ingredients such as garlic, pepper and cumin to keep the virus away.
Secondly, from the nutrient point of view, it is rich in protein and helps in weight loss. Including Horse gram once a week in your diet is good to keep cold and cough away.
Finally, Stay safe. Do not panic. Intensify your prayers for healing the planet.
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